Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time Eaters

There are things in life that I would classify as "time eaters." These are things that grab your attention and 2 hours later you find that you are still doing or looking at the same thing. So here are the things that I know eat up my time, but yet I still go back to them again and again.

1) Reading blogs
2) Facebook, I realize that both #1&2 can be classified as legalized stalking
3) TV series on DVD...once you start, you can't stop. The latest series to eat up my time would be House. I love it.
4) Looking at books in Barnes & Noble
5) Finding new music on iTunes
6) Tetris on my iPhone, I feel like i'm age six again with my old-school Gameboy
7) is a land of bargains through competition...gotta love it

These are just a few, but I am ashamed to say that many hours of my life have been spent doing these things. Typing all these things out has made me realize that I need to spend more time doing the things I enjoy, but don't do enough. I also realized that all these things can be done alone. I guess I should focus my time more on pouring into other people.


Holly, Ben, and Reid said...

Ben LOVES, LOVES, LOVES 'House'...his favorite show along with The Fringe...definitely a time-eater in our house as well! =)

Shan said...

ohhhh we LOVE HOUSE!! We started watching it the last week of my pregnancy because someone gave us the discs... now every night Drew is like, HOUSE?? haha! Good show.

michelle said...

i very rarely visit actual blogs these days because of my ever-wonderful and handy "google reader" (i'm pretty sure google has an answer for everything)

all that to say .... i love the new layout of your blog. it's pretty.

and i'm here (belated) to thank you for my color choice. i'm a BIG fan of both choices, but it does seem that i've been favoring the eggplant lately. :) i love you. lots.